New Job Success – 30/60/90 Day Plan

When you start a new job you’ll want to do all you can to succeed. A great way to help yourself is to create a 30/60/90 day plan.

What is a 30/60/90 Day Plan?

A 30-60-90 day plan is a document that details your intentions for the first 30, 60, and 90 days of a new job. It lists your high-level priorities and actionable goals, as well as the metrics you’ll use to measure success. Done well, it will help you make a positive first impression on your new employer.

Why write a 30/60/90 Day Plan?

You might write a 30/60/90 day plan because your new manager has explicitly asked for one, or simply because you wish to help your own transition into your new role. Either way, the goal is to set small, manageable targets that will help you achieve your goals in a structured and measureable way.

What should a 30/60/90 Day Plan Include?

Before you write your plan think about the high-level elements it needs to include. For each phase, you’ll need to:

Determine a specific focus

Typically the following pattern is followed: month one is about learning, month two is about planning and beginning to contribute and then month three is about execution and initiating changes.

Set your top priorities

Outline your high-level priorities for each stage. These need to be more specific than your focuses, but broader than individual goals.

Make concrete goals that support your priorities

For each phase, set goals that ladder up to your stated focus and priorities. These can be split into the following:

  • Personal These goals are about building relationships with those around you and finding your place within your new company.
  • Learning These goals are based on what knowledge and skills you feel you need to be successful.
  • Performance – These goals are linked to the progress that you wish to make or things you want to complete in your new role.

Determine how you’ll measure success

For each goal, determine at least one metric you’ll use to track your progress.

Tips for Creating your Plan

It can be difficult to know exactly what your focus, priorities, goals and metrics should be in a brand new job. To gain this information, you need to have a deeper understanding of the challenges that the company is facing and be able to reflect on how you can make a positive impact. Below are some tips that aim to make this process easier:

Consider the whole picture

Before you start writing out specific goals and metrics, reflect on your overall priorities. Identify why they hired you, and set priorities that deliver on that purpose. For mid- and high-level roles, you’re likely to have been employed to solve a specific problem or lead a particular project/team. For more junior roles, your priority can be getting up to speed on the basics of your role and how the company works.

Ask your manager

Liaising with your line manager is critical if you are going to set realistic goals and metrics that match your high-level priorities. Perhaps ask “What can I tackle in the first 90 days that will allow me to make a significant impact in the organisation?”

Key stakeholders

Make an effort to build relationships with key people in the business. Learn about their roles within the company and get to know them as individuals. This makes it easier to ask questions about the company culture, internal processes, reporting structures, team and company challenges, and other questions that come up as you’re learning your new role.

Measuring Success

This will probably be different for each of your goals but often come in two forms:

  • Quantifiable – sales, profit, page views, etc.
  • Qualitative – positive customer feedback.

You should always try to make your metrics measurable. SMART Goals are recommended.

Be Flexible

Every job is different, so tailor your plan to match what you know about the role and organisation. There is no definitive right and wrong way to write a plan. What’s important is that it works for you. You will probably adapt your plan over time to as you and your role develop.

Download our free 30/60/90 day plan template & example:

30,60,90 Day Plan Template 30,60,90 Day Plan Example

Further Reading

How to get your first job in management

How to use LinkedIn for sales

Automotive career checklist

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